Testosterone induces fibrinolysis, breaking of thrombusTestosterone induces secondary erythrocytosis.Just like high altitude, sleep apnea and smoking. While smoking increases fibrinogen and disrupts endothelium, leading eventually to platelets aggregation and clotting.Men who live in Colorado, Mexico, and Tibet adjust eventually to the
The Surprising Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Top Testosterone Esters for TRT Explained by Dr. George & Mike Kocsis
Episode E35
TRT and HRT Secrets | Benefits of hormone therapy for men and women
Episode E34
Είναι γεγονός οτι, τα επίπεδα τεστοστερόνης έχουν φθίνουσα πορεία στον 21ο αιώνα.Η γενιά των πατεράδων μας είχε υψηλότερα επίπεδα από τη δική μας γενιά.Και με τη σειρά τους η γενιά των παππούδων μας υψηλότερη των δικών τους. Αυτό φαίνεται από
It’s a fact that testosterone levels are dropping in regards to the 20th century.The generation of our fathers had higher levels than our generation, while our grandfathers had higher than our fathers.This is demonstrated by laboratory levels, where the range