miscle_tissue Contractile-skeletal-striated muscle tissue is not just useful for locomotory purposes.
On the contrary, it is a metabolic regulator with important functions, being valuable for longevity. However, according to nutritionist-powerlifter-medical doctor Mauro Dipasquale, B.Sc., MD, MRO, MFS, “We carry our own fat, while our muscles carry us.”       
Apart from thermogenesis and stimulation of basal metabolic rate (BMR), skeletal muscles have abilities of critical importance.
Striated muscles support bones and skeleton, improve posture and contribute to proper breathing. Intercostal muscles, sternocleidomastoids, serratus anterior and levator scapulae are secondary muscles, along with the main muscle of respiration, the diaphragm.
Contractile muscles affect protein metabolism, since muscles consist of protein and amino acids.
The role of proteins is fundamental, considering that their building blocks participate in formation of immunoglobulins (Ig A, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM), enzymes and peptides or hormones.          
Skeletal muscles are able to store 90% of glycogen in the body, leaving a small portion to the liver. Moreover, they contain an amino acid pool, responsible for nitrogen retention. These aminos are broken down in cases of stress, such as starvation and malnutrition.         
Gluconeogenesis is a complex procedure, taking part in hepatic parenchyma.
From protein, glucose is produced, serving as immediate energy source for the brain and muscles. During trauma, or burns, aminos serve also as indirect energy source, through gluconeogenesis. Glucagon is another regulator of glycogenolysis, under the presence of catecholamines and epinephrine, in particular.
Under a condition of muscle wasting, this supporting mechanism is compromised.
This obviously equals slower recovery and recuperation.
Furthermore, BMR slows down and that affects all organs’ activity.
Eventually, there is poor quality of living.          
The aging process can actually lead to sarcopenia.
Striated muscles are characterized by severe atrophy.
Andropause is the result of hormonal decline and reflects on how contractile muscles look.
Cachexia leads to elevated adipose tissue, which in turn elevates estrogens and beta-estradiol (E2) particularly.
Elevated E2 increases SHBG, which lowers free-testosterone (FT). In the bottom line, we conclude that the less muscle we preserve, the more fat we gain and the lower libido we maintain.
Andropause: Middle-Age Crisis 
In order to preserve skeletal muscle and avoid wasting, hormone replacement therapy is necessary to support the optimal environment of androgens, and other hormones.
Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) ensures there is no catabolic effect of cortisol, which is antagonistic to androgens and testosterone in particular.
After the age of 40 usually, androgens decline and andropause equals the middle-age crisis in men. 
This is the reason men start to observe a significant loss in lean body mass, feeling weaker and as muscles shrink, basic metabolic rate drops.           
This eventually costs men more visceral fat, which increases estrogens, a negative feedback to the hypothalamus for GnRH and LH production. Less muscle will lead to insulin resistance, since muscles are the number one metabolic regulator of the body that burn glucose. 
Insulin resistance will lead to type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome and cardiovacular disease.
The efficiency of visceral fat oxidation becomes sluggish, with low testosterone levels.          
It has been estimated that SHBG elevates in elderly men and as a result, free testosterone drops. Moreover, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) are secondary androgens that have a role, to a lesser degree, in anabolism, yet they do have a role in mental health.
DHT is a metabolite of testosterone that improves self-esteem, cognitive function and sex drive.
DHT makes the skin of the scrotum firmer and softens the epidermis by the release of sebum, making it more elastic.
DHEA released by adrenals is an androgen with multiple effects in organisms, including an immune response and is considered as the mother of all hormones.           
Testosterone synthesizes muscle tissue by increasing positive nitrogen balance, through assimilation of animal protein.
It also stimulates aldosterone release from the kidneys, a mineral corticosteroid that retains sodium and water as a result. In this way, sarcoplasm is volumized and muscles appear fuller, toned and this practically equals greater anabolism.
After all, contractile muscle consists of 70% of water.
Nevertheless, other anabolic anti-catabolic agents can be implemented in hormone replacement therapy. 
AAS: Anti-Catabolic Agents          
Nandrolone decanoate, known as Deca-Durabolin, is a pharmaceutical anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) that has been extensively implemented in the medical field for the past 50 years.
It has the ability to reverse osteoporosis and speed up bone fracture healing by increasing calcium reabsorption in renal tubules. In this way, nandrolone can become a valuable tool to increase bone mineral density.          
Nandrolone is also capable of improving stamina and endurance, by stimulating erythropoietin from the kidneys.
This was a classic indication of AAS way before EPO was manufactured.
Nandrolone is a great anabolic agent; meaning it is capable of building tissues and boosts the process of anabolism.          
Anabolism has a plethora of benefits in quite a few medical cases such as trauma, burns, cachexia and recovery from muscle injuries.
Connective tissue and muscles consist of amino acids; therefore, through a diet rich in animal protein, we can achieve a superb level of tissue healing.
As muscles are strengthened from resistance training, bones also become stronger, as they are attached on the muscles.
The significance of lifting weights is well known in post-menopausal women, in order to fight osteopenia and avoid fractures.          
Last but not least, as all AAS, nandrolone kicks aldosterone that retains water and lubricates synovial cavities.
This can become a very useful agent against arthritis and creaky joints in elbows, for instance.
We therefore realize the plethora of benefits provided by a single steroid, with low liver toxicity and minor effects on lipids.
Nandrolone is also of low androgenicity, meaning that even women can use it under minor doses, without having the androgenic side effects of virilization, like hirsutism and acne.         
Growth hormone is considered as the foundation of youth that works synergistically with testosterone against catabolic diseases.
Growth hormone favors anabolism by increasing DNA synthesis of tissues, through its peptide insulin-like growth factor, or somatomedin C.          
Somatotropin, known as GH, decreases with age and this is evaluated by measuring serum IGF-1.
Low IGF-1 is linked to higher mortality rates, as much as high IGF-1 can enhance cellular proliferation and allegedly might speed up oncogenesis.
Optimized IGF-1 has various benefits against aging, including synthesis of collagenic fibers and connective tissue, improving skin quality, elasticity of arterial walls, joints, tendons, ligaments and articular surfaces, and the proliferation of B and T cells in the thymus gland.          
GH also elevates Klotho protein that is linked to the length of telomeres and longevity.
Growth hormone, when combined to testosterone, DHT, DHEA and nandrolone, can become a powerful stack against aging and fragility that is associated with mortality in the elderly.
Fighting Muscle Wasting         
Muscle catabolism is reversely proportional to BMR.
The more muscle tissue we have, the higher the metabolic activity and caloric expenditure.
It’s been evaluated that muscle wasting is mainly characterized from the loss of fast-twitch white muscle fibers (type II).
They are plentiful in glycogen, which is responsible for explosive activity, and have a low lactate threshold and are poor in mitochondria. 
Their neuroaxon is large, so that neuromuscular stimulus is transmitted rapidly.         
Under autoimmune diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis) or other chronic syndromes (AIDS, CRF), muscle degradation is something quite common.
These diseases are associated with chronic inflammation and lack of protein synthesis.         
Cachexia is characterized from loss of 5% of bodyweight and drop of BMI within a year.
It is accompanied by loss of muscle strength, size and endurance.
Fatigue and anorexia are other symptoms. Laboratory manifestations include elevation of CRP, IL-6, low serum albumin and anemia.         
Patients who suffer from muscle wasting should follow a high-protein, high-carbohydrate diet, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
Leucine (a branched-chain amino acid) and glutamine (a non-essential amino acid) are important micronutrients, along with creatine.
HMB is leucine’s metabolite, being anti-catabolic as well.
It has the ability to improve the GH/IGF-1 axis and boost anabolism.
AAS are valuable under such conditions and should be used under the guidance of a physician.
Of course, resistance training is necessary for further improvements.
It can also reverse osteopenia and dramatically improve bone mineral density (BMD).


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