nandroloneNandrolone is an anabolic steroid more anabolic than methenolone, which promotes strength and lean muscle mass gain.
The drug has a positive effect in joints and their lubrication.
It stimulates aldosterone from the kidneys, leading to sodium retention and edema.
Moreover, it enhances calcium reabsorption in renal tubules.
The positive influence in calcium metabolism makes nandrolone an ideal drug against osteopenia and osteoporotic fractures.
Nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin) lubricates synovial cavities, thus suppressing pain under moderation dosage (50mg/week).
On the other hand, this can be dangerous, since the improvement of pain eases the impact of heavy weights and forces the athlete for a heavy work out.
At this point, it is highly possible for musculoskeletal injuries such as tendon and muscle ruptures to occur.

Nandrolone significantly suppresses the hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis and crushes on libido.
19 nortestosterone derivatives are linked to progestational activity and production of prolactin, a hormone which augments gynecomastia and body fat gain.
However, it should be noted that 19nor anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) lead to prolactinemia, in the presence of elevated estrogens (E2-beta estradiol).
If E2 level is low, then prolactine does not rise enough, to suppress testosterone.
The use of dopamine agonists (bromocriptine, cabergoline) seems obligatory in order to suppress prolactine’s serum levels.
Consequently, libido is improved.

Nandrolone has negative effects on serum lipids (reduction of high density lipoprotein-HDL-, increase in low density lipoprotein-LDL- and total cholesterol), which are dose and time  dependant.
The drug is also responsible for arterial calcification and stable plaque formation, all potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It may also lead to kidney stones formation, in the presence of impaired hydration, excessive protein and salt intake.

Nandrolone is aromatized relatively easily at doses above 400mg per week.
Nandrolone decaonate (Deca-Durabolin) is a long time release AAS, where almost 60% of the substance is utilized.
On the contrary, the phenylpropionate ester has a faster half life of immediate release (80%).


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