Lumbago is known as the pain located in lower lumbar area and in most cases is due to the protrusion of interventricular disc.
This phenomenon is based in vertical level compression between L4/L5 vertebras. Interventricular discs compression can lead to hernia that in turn presses lumbar plexus and affect sciatic nerve.
This reflects in pain across the posterior side of the leg, from gluteus down to the knee joint, where tibial head is.
Sciatica can give numbing feeling under squat, lunges, bend over rows and dead lifts. Applying hot at night usually relives pain.
Muscle relaxants and analgesic pills don’t solve, but they transpose the problem.
The belt can provide warmth, plus stability in lower back area.
On the other hand, belt weakens the lower back and erector spinae muscle group, and creates a placebo effect with the illusion that your waist is tied. But that’s what gets lost when we loosen our belt between sets.
The extra weight also is acting as compression force against lower back.
Whenever I put weight on bulking diet, I understand the difference after leg training.
This is why orthopedics suggest weight reduction in case of backache.
Another common injury refers to the cervical area of the upper spinal cord, mainly induced by squat and good mornings.
Vertebra C4/5 & C6/C7 are the usual spots that affect brachial plexus that cause numbing and weakness in arm.
Extensions of the head are usually painful and are occasionally accompanied by headaches. Exercises that can be performed alternatively are the front squat, hack squat and dumbbell squat, but also lunges with dumbbells.
Shoulder is the join mostly affected and injured in upper body.
Supraspinatus tenonditis occurs to the majority of advanced bodybuilders, induced by lateral raises.
An even more serious injury is the rupture of the biceps brachi tendon.
Apart from an aesthetic problem, it is also a major functional one, since this muscle, apart from the bending of the forearm, contributes to its supination too.
Tennis elbow has to do with tenonditis of the wrist extensors muscles, affecting pronation of the wrist (alternative function of biceps brachi muscle).
Regarding knee joint, we have a variety of injuries, dealing with menisci, cruciate ligaments and collateral ligaments.
Menisci are components of connective tissue and cartilage, serving as pillows and lubricants that provide stability between distal femur and tibia.
Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments technically hold tight femur and tibia together and their rupture is among the serious knee injuries.
While collateral ligaments are attached to the inner and outer sides of knee joint.