
We assume that the competition is held on Sunday. The previous Saturday the last leg workout should take place, in order the quads and hams to be free of any water retention and edema. Training brings blood and this will lead to excess fluid retention. The last torso workout should be performed on Wednesday, for the same reason; while abs has to be worked out till the last training.
One week   prior to the contest, the oily injections have to be withdrawal (drostanolone, trenbolone, methenolone, testosterone propionate) and just keep up with  the water based (stanozolol depot, trenbolone base, testosterone suspension).The very last week before the show, we maintain the aromatised free orals (stanozolol, oxandrolone, fluoxymesterone, mesterolone) and of course the aromatase inhibitors (anastrozol, letrozol, exemestane).
Some athletes, who are already ripped and dry, tend to use Oxymetholone.
The reason is 
1)  when estrogens are too low; oxymetholone does not convert to estrogen (as a DHT derivative).
2) oxymetholone can bring extra stamina and endurance because it boosts erythrocytosis and O2 transport to muscles.
In addition, oxymetholone is a powerful anabolic, androgenic and anticatabolic medication that plays a significant role during the low carb diet.
During the last week of glycogen depletion, CNS stimulants are kept and withdrawal with last workout.
After the brutal last week of the low carb-ketogenic diet, the yummy time of glycogen loading follows. This is perhaps the most crucial moment of the whole preparation. Proper carbohydrate and glycogen loading can be the key to success.
It would be wise to lower to the half the aromatase inhibitors. My belief is that too much of them will eventually hinder glycogen loading. Aromatase inhibitors crush estrogens, meaning technically poor glycogen formation and practically zero water retention.
Water consumption during glycogen depletion phase, has to be at least five liters. Too much of water apparently blocks ADH from kidneys (anti diuretic hormone, or vasopressin). The so-called “water intoxication” often occurs during that time. In their effort to eliminate the byproducts of ketonic diet, they lead to hyper hydration which leads to hyponatremia that results in the hemodilution. In clinical chemistry this is translated to a lower hematocrite (not hemoglobin) and lower serum urea as well. With this mechanism the body eliminates the excess subcutaneous fluid retention. However this process can lead to cerebral edema, with symptoms of headache, hypotension, nausea, dizziness and occasionally even faint. The glycogen depletion phase has to be <100gr of starch (preferably potato and rice).  It is noteworthy that baked potato has a higher glycemic index than boiled. Protein source comes mainly from white meat (turkey, chicken, rooster, rabbit) and fish. In case the physique looks kind of flat and ultra ripped, lean red meat (beef-buffalo, ostrich, horse, deer) can be an alternative option.  Egg whites (albumin) and whey protein powder (lactalbumin) are excluded, due to their high sodium content. Animal protein intake must be >3g/kg of body weight.
 Glycogen depletion phase is accompanied by water low in sodium.
Table salt is gradually discontinued and not abruptly. Otherwise, aldosterone is stimulated, leading to sodium and water retention, as a compensatory mechanism. Nature is smarter than people think and the system always brings a homeostatic balance.The more glycogen muscle lack off, the better will be filled up from glycogen. Insulin sensitivity is sky-high and insulin rebound will ensure glycogen synthase enzyme will do its job fair enough. Carb loading phase usually depends upon the body type (BMI). Generally 24/72 hours are enough for muscles (and liver) to get full.
During loading phase, protein consumption is of secondary priority. Therefore, two grams of protein per bodyweight are enough for positive nitrogen balance. Muscles have received huge amounts and besides workouts no longer take place. What is important is that fiber is strictly prohibited. Fiber can bring serious GIT bloating and gas. Therefore, sweet potato and brown rice are excluded and regular potatoes with white rice are best choices. Pasta and bread are not an option, because of their gluten presence. This plant based protein can hold water and smooth the physique, sort of looking high in estrogens. Oats also excluded for the same reason and their fiber content as well.
The first 24 hours of carb loading are the most critical.
As loading phase proceeds, glycogen stores are gradually filled up and insulin sensitivity hits a plateau. Sodium and water intake are necessary the very first day of loading phase, in order the filling of muscles to be successful. Between meals, posing is obligatory, so that carbohydrates can enter the muscles and form glycogen. Since insulin sensitivity is sky-high, its spike from pancreas may lead to lethargic state. Vanadium (Vanadyl Sulfate) and alpha lipoic acid (ALA) assist in this process as they act as they mimic insulin’s action. Fast-acting insulin is the ideal solution, but it carries the risk of water retention in the subcutaneous and the cause of lipogenesis.
Therefore its use has to be accordingly to conditioning of the particular athlete. As known, carbohydrates have the ability to bind water and the formation of muscle glycogen. One molecule of carb requires four molecules of starch, in order glycogen to be synthesized. There sweet spot-borderline between muscle fullness and water retention under the skin, has to be found. This task depends highly under the experienced coach of each athlete. Onion skin look equals to neglible film of fluid kept under epidermis.
The last day before the show, water intake has to be minimized.
Usually athletes tend to restrict water during the last twelve hours before prejudging. During this time period, we can drink sips of cold water and suck ice cubes. A tricky method would be to measure the amount of fluid we diurate and drink half of it afterwards. This will ensure less water will be presented in the system.
Regular massage can be helpful, by increasing   blood and lymphatic flow. This muscle relaxation can improve separation, the ability of muscles to show up. Legs during bedtime should be kept at 30 degrees inclined position. The reason is that this posture prevents swelling and edema coming from gravity.
 Quite many athletes have one or more tattoos on various parts of their body. Even though I have enough (which I got them along the way), I do believe that the fewer and non-visible tattoos are, the better is.
Even from aesthetic point of view, but also from separation perspective.
The morning of the show, three hours at least before prejudging, we should have a breakfast rich in calories. Breakfast should contain a high sodium food, such as a burger, as long as we don’t drink water at all.
Fat also plays a role, of satiety feeling, while it also provides sustained energy source, during the hard time between comparisons. Warming up at the back stage area has to be done in appropriate way. We don’t need muscles to become blocky and sweaty. The less a body sweats, the drier it actually is.
Just before hitting on stage, a spoon of honey and red wine can help with vascularity. Honey and simple carbs bring high osmolality and make veins to swell, will alcohol ensured vasodilation. Supplements that can also assist on that are arginine, citrulline, yohimbine, niacin and glycerin.
Viagra overdose leads to extensive vasodilation, resulting in hot flushes, headaches and hypotension. Clenbuterol and ephedrine are strictly prohibited, because the can lead to dehydration and spasms, but also to peripheral vasoconstriction. The use of diuretics depends upon each individual. Usually advanced athletes use spironolactone (aldactone), which is a potassium sparring diuretic. Potassium is the main intracellular electrolyte, so muscles are still able to look full (volumised).However, spironolactone’s abuse can lead to life threatening hyperkalemia and myocardial arrhythmia (ventricular fibrillation). The use of salbutamol inhaler can actually improve VO2max and breathing process. Stress leads to   the production of cortisol (and aldosterone), that can actually ruin the physique.
In case body looks extremely dry just few minutes before hitting the stage, a bit of salt can make physique look even better; as long as water intake is out of the question. As known, sodium is the main extracellular element and fills up the intracellular space, leading to swelling and increased osmolality. This will eventually make muscles to look more pumped and jacked.


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